Teacher training
drummer’s focus teacher training, abbreviated LA (Lehrerausbildung = teacher training), is an independent course that can be taken in parallel with our standard courses or as a stand-alone unit. The LA represents the ultimate achievement of the drummer’s focus training concept and is therefore exclusive in terms of performance, quality, final goals and, last but not least, trainee selection and admittance.
The LA itself was created in the 1980s and has been continuously updated and enhanced ever since. The LA guides the participant through a sequence of logical steps in order to attain the status of high-class professional drum teacher with extreme expertise as a teacher on the modern drum set. All drummer’s focus teachers have passed the same LA – with only few exceptions.
To a large extent, it is this very special drummer’s focus master class that enables participants to develop into competent instructors and musically focused personalities. A graduate of df teacher training will always be one step ahead in all aspects of modern drum teaching and will thus be able to guide students towards individual success.
Cloy Petersen himself is the only LA tutor.
Sticks magazine issue 12/2005 www.sticks.de:
“The fact that many qualified teachers also have to keep up to date with modern styles and current teaching methods is taken into account at drummer’s focus.”